Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Valentines Day

The day started great... David got up and I heard him downstairs with the girls. What made it better was that I could hear that he was feeding the cats, a chore I almost always do. I also knew the girls both signed up for school "hot lunches" today, so I was able to stay in bed a bit longer, not having to pack lunches.

I decided to start our holiday with some festive breakfast. I pulled out the kids' heart-shaped plates and gave them cinnamon toast in shape of hearts. I also pulled out chocolate cheerios and strawberry frosted mini-wheats. As we got started, Hannah came downstairs very sadly. She expected Cupid to have been here already and to start the day with surprises from him. Nothing Daddy and I said made a difference.

This winter we've gotten later and later getting the girls to school. Even when I get everyone headed to the car at 8:30, we still can't seem to make it before the "late car traffic." So once again, I'm approaching the school and see tons of cars. My preference is to make a U-turn to park right by the school. But there is a steady stream of cars exiting the parking lot headed my way, making it difficult. Stupid me, I thought I could do it anyway. Have you ever pulled ahead of a parallel parking spot in preparation of backing into it only to find the car behind you kept driving right up behind you so you can't back in? Well, this happens to me every few times I attempt this maneuver at Red Hawk. I even put on my turn signal as I pulled forward, but apparently this is only helpful from my perspective. Others don't seem to notice it. As I pulled ahead to try for a second spot, I managed success. Sort of. I was honked at by a car who went around me in frustration. I think it was even my neighbor! oops. So we all got out and walked the farther distance to school.

Because of parking a bit farther up the road, we all had to walk through a bit of mud. This is a challenge, since a 3 year old doesn't see mud as a problem. As she and I walked back to the car I started prepping her with instructions to keep her feet down in the car, to not get mud on my carseat. With her size, the back of the seat in front of her is usually her foot rest and I needed to be sure she understood that wasn't okay today. We arrived to the gym/library parking lot and as I went to help Erin out, I saw mud all over the seatback. Yup. You starting to get a feeling for what kind of day this is going to be?

We had a pretty uneventful Friday morning doing our usual routine - dropped Erin in the Rec Center's Kid Station so I could work out. Picked her up and had a snack in the Rec Center's lobby, then walked across the courtyard to the library for "Music & Movement" class, then library time. When I was getting hungry for lunch I had trouble getting Erin out of there. Small hiccup, but a pain nonetheless. This resistance lost her the chance to watch tv while I made lunch later. We finally got home and I parked in the driveway, planning to wash my car a bit later, since there's no sign of snow for the week ahead.

As I was about to help Erin out of the car, I discovered Hannah's wallet on the car floor with money she had intended to take to school for a contest/fundraiser that ended today. Change of plans - hooked Erin back in and off to Red Hawk we drove.

In the office I was starting to explain the situation when I saw Kelcie walking towards the office looking very sad. Lunch time had just started and she couldn't eat due to feeling nauseous. We took her into the nurse's office to sit for awhile and see how she felt. I took Erin to the cafeteria to tell Hannah we'd dropped off her money (which I don't think she even realized she'd forgotten). Back to the office, where it was decided we'd take Kelcie home. Signed her out, got her backpack and on our way. I found out later that Kelcie did indeed buy her school lunch and sat down with it before realizing she was sick. Bummer about the wasted lunch money spent.

As we pulled into the garage (this time given up on my hope for a clean car), a florist delivery was awaiting us. A vase of beautiful pink tulips arrived to cheer up my mediocre day. Thanks, Mom!!

Kelcie went up to her room to rest and I started lunch. Erin was messing with my delicate sheer curtains and of course asking her to leave them alone fell on deaf ears. I found all the curtain ties on the stairs. Erg. Erin spilled her glass of of water at lunch. Par for the course.

Miracle of the day - Erin actually napped. Considering that Kelcie was resting in her room, I had lost any hope of Erin napping! After a bit I checked on Kelcie, to discover poop smeared in various spots of the bathroom and having to change the stinky poopy trash. But at least there was a good-sized stool in the potty! Luckily Kelcie was better with a bit of rest and time. No vomiting. No fever. No need for a doctor appointment.

I was prepared for picking Hannah up from school to be another challenge, knowing that many parents attended the late-afternoon Valentine parties so many extra cars would fill the neighborhood. Miracle of the day #2 - I found a spot on the edge of the parking lot! I left Kelcie and Erin in the car to get Hannah. The perk to having two children at school is that if one is home sick, the other can bring their things home. Hannah came home with both Valentine boxes, goodies and flowers delivered from Daddy. Now to go home and trash the house in order to check out all their cards and loot. Sigh.

The day ended nicely with heart-shaped strawberry pink pancakes for dinner, Daddy coming to the rescue bringing treats from Cupid and time spent reading books together before watching some Olympics.

All in all, drama not unlike most days around here. But in the midst of it all, it sure feels pretty bad.

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