Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sweater Pillows

As I was wandering the aisles of Hobby Lobby during the holiday season, I noticed the adorable throw pillows, some made of sweater material. So cute! When I saw they were $20 or more, I had that old familiar thought, "I should just make my own!"

Yup, the thought that plagues me and sets me up for a basement full of unfinished projects. But not this time! I came up with an even better idea. Why not create holiday pillow covers? Not only are they festive at Christmastime, but they pack away compactly and you have your old familiar pillows again after the holidays. BOOM! I was excited to get this idea into action.

I had my heart set on the cute, red sweater material pillows I'd seen in the store. Next stop, my favorite thrift store - sweater section! I found the biggest sweaters (the more fabric the better) in the most vibrant reds, that wouldn't look thin when stretched. Here is what I came home with, along with the pillows they would soon cover:

Sweaters and my stash of various pillows to be covered

After washing the sweaters (because - thrift store!) I matched up the sweaters and pillows. Time to trim off the sleeves. The sleeves are sitting in my sewing area for future projects - I just can't throw anything away, you never know when you'll need gorgeous, red sweater fabric again!

Sweaters after arms trimmed off.

There are lots of ways to put together pillow covers: velcro, zipper, but I thought the easiest option would be button closure. And white buttons as closures are most definitely the most attractive. If only I could get my sewing machine to cooperate, this step wouldn't have been so complicated. Alas, I got it done by hand and if you don't look too carefully, the sweater pillows look cute. I didn't take into account how stretchy sweaters are, and the buttons come undone easily. If they're just decorative and you don't have kids messing with them, you're golden.

each sweater with my notes and cute white buttons
I am especially proud that I got this project finished before Christmas, to enjoy them for at least a few days. They are now boxed up until next November, when I will get to enjoy a full season with them decorating my couches.

Final Collection of Sweater-Covered Pillows
Final Sweater-covered pillow with accent buttons